Quality Preschool
Education Since 2000
The Little Schoolhouse
The Happiest School In Nassau
On Dowdeswell St., near Deveaux St. Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 325-3795 E: schoolhousenassau@gmail.com
Principal's Yearbook Addresses
Dear Yearbook Reader,
A school is not just a building. A school is not just a group of classrooms with children in them. And a school is not just reading, writing, and arithmetic. My definition of “school” is more of a concept. It is the interaction of many different people with a common focus: the educating of children to the best of their ability. In addition, the term “education” is not just learning content, facts and processes, but learning what it takes to be successful in life.
The Little Schoolhouse is a building that is home to a special family. We are fortunate and dedicated caretakers of wonderful children year after year, installed in a historic house in the heart of downtown Nassau.
The Little Schoolhouse has thriving classrooms of happy children who love coming to school and are so happy to be at school with their friends and teachers. They love the activities, from easel painting to play-dough, building with blocks to completing an ABC floor puzzle with friends.
Further to rudimentary skills, the Little Schoolhouse fosters social-emotional and language development as is evident in how well the student body has rehearsed the Spring Performance, ‘Under The Sea.’ Nearly every student has shown a marked improvement in singing ability and stage presence. We are so proud of all of their individual and collective accomplishments.
For the better part of my student and professional life, school has been challenging in a character building way, nurtured by loving parents, and mentored by compassionate educators. While most people “go to work” each day with a sigh, I rise daily eager to “go to school,” not unlike my students and colleagues who share my vision and passion for the foundation for life-long learning.
An integral aspect of each step of education, and something we at The Little Schoolhouse strive to accomplish with every one of our students, is to be successful in life. When I see the kind and helpful nature of older students assisting younger children with a swing or a tricycle, I feel a measure of success in this endeavor. Success begins with positive school experiences that establish a sense of kindness that is necessary in today’s complicated world.
Within the community of The Little Schoolhouse, parents and teachers alike are engaged in effective communication to provide the best opportunities in the classroom as well as at home to for these bright youngsters.
It has been a great year at The Little Schoolhouse and we anticipate continued success as the years unfold.
Most sincerely,
Kara Nottage

Year 2013-2014
Year 2012-2013
Dear Yearbook Reader,
Many of our students say, “I love coming to school!” I often hear parents describe TLS as “a great school,” and I have learned that many people think we are a great school for a variety of reasons.
As the schoolhouse is about to turn twelve, and evolves into a new decade of preschool education, I would like to take this opportunity in our Yearbook to highlight a few of those reasons.
Our philosophy makes us great! The developmentally appropriate play-based approach to learning at the preschool level encourages our student’s sense of exploration while fostering their growing sense of independence.
Our staff makes us great! The seven of us have worked in education at TLS for a combined total of more than fifty years. Through our own initiative we share expertise and collaborate our efforts as we strive to provide the best opportunities for our students.
Our students make us great! This was evident as I watched the Kindergarten students reading aloud to the three- and four–year-old students as part of our Shared Reading Program earlier this year. The eager readers were so proud of their progress while the younger listeners sat in admiration of what will be their future accomplishments.
Our community makes us great! This was proven in January of this year at our third annual Trike-a-thon, when all students and many parents supported the event. Through active sponsorship the strength of our community was demonstrated as more than $3,000 was raised. Thanks to part of these proceeds, the children are now enjoying a new climbing feature called Gus who presides over the play yard and will be enjoyed for many years to come. If Gus’ colorful smiling face isn’t enough to make you grin, then the way he is festooned with children every day should.
Our vision makes us great! It is our collective vision that outstanding education is essential. We have personalized the nature of preschool teaching so that each student will achieve his maximum potential. The reasonable class size and attention to individual learning styles has proven beneficial with so many of our students.
Looking forward, we inspire happiness in our students who set forth as lifelong learners. We are indeed a great preschool!
Most sincerely,
Kara Nottage
Our 2014 Yearbook cover photo
Playing Mat Man
Sports Day
Play-based approach to learning
Shared Reading Program
Adventure Learning Center's Planetarium

Year 2014-2015
Dear Yearbook Reader,
In preschool we enjoy many activities, and one of the favorites, any student will tell you, is painting. Ask your child what they liked doing at school today and they are likely to describe the painting they made just for you! As the year progresses, your little one will talk about the colors and what the markings represent and you will simultaneously marvel at their improving ability to verbally express themself and beam with pride at the budding artistic expression.
As principal of The Little Schoolhouse, I would like to paint a picture for you as well. The picture I paint is of happy engaged students who are inspired to do well and excited about learning. They love coming to school every day and their teachers are dedicated to guiding each of them through the learning process. As captured on the pages of this beautiful memory book, we see a group happily engaged in a MAT MAN activity, one of our new curriculum resources from the wonderful Handwriting Without Tears curriculum program. We see parents cheering for their children at Family Sports Day!
In this painting analogy my palette is the group of caring and well-qualified teachers with whom I collaborate who take pride in seeing children reach their developmental milestones and do so with a warm and tender approach. Our collective experience shines through when parents express their peace of mind and security in knowing our health and safety policies are steeped in the knowledge of best school practices.
A parent who recently volunteered to read to her son’s class each week was so inspired by the children and talked about having discovered a new joy. These examples of early, frequent, and clear positive influence in our nurturing and supportive environment makes the picture I paint inspired by joy and happiness.
We know that children develop best when they are in a community that knows them and where they feel connected. In our small school students are indeed known, and known well, by their schoolmates and their teachers. We encourage them to be their best self and support them every step of the way. Since 2000, our primary purpose has been to instill in our preschool children a love for learning that will carry them through their lifetime.
As most fine paintings grow in value over time, so, too, does The Little Schoolhouse; in its quality and integrity, its vibrant color and warm glow.
What was true at the turn of the last century is true today and will forever be true as we move ahead with confidence at The Little Schoolhouse.
Most sincerely,
Kara Nottage

Nutcracker holiday play

Under The Sea production
Playing together and teamwork
Activities while learning