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Frequently Asked Questions

You'll find answers to frequently asked questions in The Little Schoolhouse Student-Parent Handbook. Please download it to familiarize yourself with our policies and best practices.

Here below are the questions we are normally asked. We are happy to address all queries you may have, so please don't hesitate to ask us in person.

The Little Schoolhouse FAQs


1) How do I apply?

It's easy to apply. Please see our Admissions, Fees and Programs page and click the Application Form and Enrollment Contract to download printer-friendly forms. Email it back to us at: Call to make an appointment for a site visit: 242-325-3795. Seeing is believing at the Little Schoolhouse!


2) What activities do you offer?

Many activities such as sports, swimming and field trips are part of our regular class curricula. Please see the Curricula page to download a Word document for your child’s year. Also, for a Throughout the year we also have special events and field trips to add fun, excitement and real-world educational interest to their learning experience. Also see the TLS Student Parent Handbook above.


3) Can I change programs halfway?

Yes, with consultation and agreement with the school principal, and so long as our agreements continue in effect as set out in the Enrollment Contract.


4) How do I make payments?

School fees can be paid in cash or by cheque to Blackboard, Ltd.  See the Application Form and the Enrollment Contract for confirming details. Direct deposit is not available.


5) Can I make monthly payments rather than the three scheduled payments?

Monthly payments may be arranged with the Principal.  See the Enrollment Contract for additional information.


6) How will a planned family vacation during the school year be handled?

We understand that life is busy!  Travel opportunities in business and with the family will happen.  In fact, we recognize the special learning value of traveling together as a family, creating precious memories that shape your lifetime.  A reasonable balance of missed schooldays due to travel is recommended so as not to upset the continuum of curriculum in best classroom teaching practices.


7) Can we change the enrollment program before the next term? 

Yes, you can!  It is as easy as calculating the pro-rated difference up to the next program option.  For example, your child, enrolled in the 3-Mornings program, has settled in easily and now wants to come to school every day.  Simply tell Ms. Kara and she will calculate the difference.  However, if you are dialing back off an enrollment program you have paid for credit will be issued toward the next term’s payment. School fees are not refundable.


8) Does The Little Schoolhouse provide lunch for the children?

A complimentary nutritious snack is given to the children each morning at 10 o’clock.  Parents pack and send a daily lunch for their child.  The teachers are assisting children during the lunch period and offering encouragement for increased self-help skills.  We can give a quick warm-up to foods in microwave-safe containers.    


9) Do the starting age children need to be toilet-trained before coming to school?

Most of our youngest starting students will have their second birthday during the school year!  Parents anticipate the onset of many developmental milestones during this year including independence in the bathroom.  The teachers are working individually with the children to attain this goal.  Toileting is a scheduled routine activity in the preschool morning.  Parents provide necessary items including pull-ups, wipes, and a change of clothing.  Each child has a bathroom drawer that teacher’s access for individual supplies.  Significant care and dedication is given to this essential aspect of development.  Parents and teachers combine compassionate efforts to make the final steps towards the great achievement of independence in the bathroom!    

Copyright©2017 The Little Schoolhouse • One of the leading preschools in Nassau, Bahamas • Tel: (242) 325-3795 •

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