Quality Preschool
Education Since 2000
The Little Schoolhouse
The Happiest School In Nassau
On Dowdeswell St., near Deveaux St. Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 325-3795 E: schoolhousenassau@gmail.com
Program Options And School Fees
Enrollment Contract
Apply For Admission
Applying or re-enrolling for The Little Schoolhouse is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Select how many days you'd like your child to attend school.
Complete the Application Form and submit payment.
Review and sign the Enrollment
Please carefully read the Enrollment Contract in which you agree to the school's policies and to the parents' responsibilities. As with any well-functioning school, these policies ensure harmony and the best interest of all concerned—especially
your child's.
We offer several program options to suit your needs, budget and lifestyle. You can choose from the programs below according to your child's age. You may change your child's program anytime—by paying the pro-rated difference.
We accept cash or cheques payable to D. Sean Nottage, Ltd.
Our school fees include sports, Spanish and music
activities and, in the Full Day option, also swimming.
3-Mornings - M, W & F — 8:00am to 12:30pm $990
5-Mornings - M, Tu, W, Th, F — 8:00am to 12:30pm $1,700
5-Mornings PLUS - M, W & F mornings PLUS Tu & Th until 3:00pm $2,000
Full Day - M, Tu, W, Th, F — 8:00am to 3:00pm $2,585
Kindergarten (K-5) Full Day - M, Tu, W, Th, F — 8:00am to 3:00pm $2,800
Grade One - Full Day - M, Tu, W, Th, F — 8:00am to 3:00pm $2,800
Payment Dates
For your convenience, payment for the school year is made in
three installments:
First Term (September to December 2018) is due by Friday, May 18, 2018
Second Term (January to April 2019) is due Friday, September 13, 2018.
Third Term (April to June 2019) is due Friday, December 7, 2018
Why Stay At The Little Schoolhouse?
Considerations for Continued Enrollment
During your child’s formative pre-school years you want the best possible environment. The Little Schoolhouse offers you and your child...
Reasonable class size.
Excellent student-teacher ratio.
Dedicated and caring staff.
Interactive “hands-on” approach to learning with attention to reading and writing preparedness.
Teachers who are attentive to the children’s social and emotional development.
Our student body is enough of a peer group to foster long lasting friendships without the overwhelming feature of a large class at a large school.
Small classes allow teachers to give additional one-on-one attention to your child.
Well-rounded curriculum including developmentally appropriate programs in: Physical Education, Music, Spanish, Literature, Science, Art Appreciation, and Social Studies.
Alas, after moving to another school before completion, many parents have often come back to us saying: “We should have stayed for another year…”
Be sure to speak with any teachers about curriculum and life at school. We are happy to show and tell you about the fun we have while learning.
We realize that parents have a choice of schools here in Nassau and appreciate your decision to enroll your child at our school for consecutive years.
School Calendar 2018-2019
With the above School Fees, the following payments are applicable:
Application Fee (a once-only payment, non-refundable): $300.00
Development Fund (annual, payable before first term, incl. VAT ): $430.00
Re-enrollment Fee (annual for returning students—
​ payable in 1st term): $200.00
Enrollment (Admission) Fees
Admissions, Programs & Fees
Payment Methods
We accept cash or cheques, payable to Sean D. Nottage, Ltd.
First Term, Fall 2018 • Wednesday, September 5th, 2018 to Friday, December 14th.
Second Term, Winter 2019 • Monday, January 7th, 2019 to Friday, April 12th
Third Term, Spring 2019 • Monday, April 29th, 2019 to Wednesday, June 5th.
School re-opens for the 2019-2020 year on Wed., September 4th, 2019.
Next Year's Re-enrollment
Each year in January, TLS asks that you submit a $500 Placement Deposit in order to secure your child's seat for the following year. This deposit applies towards your school fees

Additional Expenses
The daily uniform includes royal blue T-shirts with The Little Schoolhouse logo. School t-shirts ($22) and pullover sweatshirts ($33) are available and can be purchased from the school at any time. (Prices included VAT).
(See the Student-Parent Handbook below for more uniform details).