Quality Preschool
Education Since 2000
The Little Schoolhouse
The Happiest School In Nassau
On Dowdeswell St., near Deveaux St. Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242) 325-3795 E: schoolhousenassau@gmail.com
Welcome to A Great Start For Your Child's Future
In operation since the year 2000, The Little Schoolhouse is one of Nassau's leading preschools for children aged 2 through six years.
For all these years we've been providing local and international children a first class, successful start to learning and life.
We offer several program options to suit your needs and lifestyle. You can choose between these programs:
5-Mornings PLUS
Full Day
Kindergarten Full Day
Grade One Full Day
Grade Two Full Day
(See details on our Program Options page.)
Using modern teaching methods with proven preschool curricula and resources your child will receive a nurturing education during these vital formative years.
We're proud of our record in preparing children to go on to their elementary years here in Nassau, and indeed at schools around the world. We’re also proud of the years of dedication that our well-qualified teaching staff have spent together here.
Most telling of all we're proud of what our parents think of us. (Read some parents' testimonials.)
Come and visit our wonderful, historic facility. You’ll find us on the eastern edge of downtown Nassau—convenient for professional parents who work in or near downtown, on the northern shore, or on Paradise Island.
Call us at 325-3795 for a convenient time to visit.

We have a wonderfully high teacher-to-child ratio for better learning and attention
At The Little Schoolhouse your child will enjoy learning while having fun.
Parents love our extra-curricula activities such as weekly swimming lessons and excursions to fun places where, for example, they can learn about marine life, junkanoo or science. (See more about our fun excursions.)
Our philosophy not only provides a good start to education, we also help to develop your child's social skills, fostering teamwork, good manners and leadership.
"Our three kids all went to The Little Schoolhouse. We're always been very impressed how much they care for our children. I'd strongly recommend any parent to place their children here."
— Ms. O. B.